Product Name

Regular Checkboxes

Show Code
          <div class="ui checkbox">
            <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" name="checkbox" checked>
            <label for="checkbox1">.ui.checkbox</label>
Show Code
          <div class="ui cf checkbox">
            <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox2" name="checkbox" checked>
            <label for="checkbox2"></label>

Radio Checkboxes

Show Code
          <div class="ui radio checkbox">
            <input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio1">
            <label for="radio1"></label>
Show Code
          <div class="ui cf radio checkbox">
            <input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio2">
            <label for="radio2"></label>

Simple Toggles

Note: Even if no label text is desired, a label element still needs to be present

Show Code
          <div class="ui green cf toggle checkbox example-1">
            <input type="checkbox" name="public">

            <div class="frame">
              <div class="toggler"></div>

              Simple toggle checkbox


Show Code
        <div class="ui green cf toggle checkbox example-2">
          <input type="checkbox" name="public">

          <div class="frame">
            <div class="toggler"></div>

            <div class="text centered">
              <span class="off">DIFFERENT</span>
              <span class="on">TEXT</span>

            Simple toggle checkbox with <b>centered text</b>


Show Code
        <div class="ui green cf toggle checkbox example-3">
          <input type="checkbox" name="public">

          <div class="frame">
            <div class="toggler">
              <i class="bell slash icon off"></i>
              <i class="bell icon on"></i>

            <div class="text centered">
              <span class="off">DRAFT</span>
              <span class="on">LIVE</span>

            Simple toggle checkbox with <b>centered text and changing icon</b>


Show Code
        <div class="ui green cf toggle checkbox example-4">
          <input type="checkbox" name="public">

          <div class="frame">
            <div class="toggler">
              <i class="bell slash icon off"></i>
              <i class="bell icon on"></i>

            <div class="text partially active">
              <span class="off">DRAFT <ins>OFF</ins></span>
              <span class="on">DRAFT <ins>ON</ins></span>

            Simple toggle checkbox with <b>active text and Icon</b>


Show Simple Modal on Toggle

Here we add a few callback methods when the toggle is changed

Show Code
        <div class="ui green cf toggle checkbox with-callback">
          <input type="checkbox" name="public">

          <div class="frame">
            <div class="toggler"></div>

            <div class="text centered">
              <span class="off">DIFFERENT</span>
              <span class="on">TEXT</span>

          <div class="ui modal checked">
            <div class='header'>
              <h1>You checked me!</h1>
            <div class='content'>
              <p>Here is some information about what turning this feature on will do.</p>

          <div class="ui modal unchecked">
            <div class='header'>
              <h1>You unchecked me!</h1>
            <div class='content'>
              <p>Here is some information about what turning this feature off will do.</p>


              onChecked: function(){
                $('.checkbox.with-callback .ui.modal.checked').modal('show');
              onUnchecked: function(){
                $('.checkbox.with-callback .ui.modal.unchecked').modal('show');

Modal with Confirmation

On toggle, we present the user with a modal making them confirm their decision.

Show Code
        <div class="ui green cf toggle checkbox with-confirm-callback">
          <input type="checkbox" name="public">

          <div class="frame">
            <div class="toggler"></div>

            <div class="text centered">
              <span class="off">DIFFERENT</span>
              <span class="on">TEXT</span>

          <div class="ui tiny modal confirm unchecked">
            <div class='header' style="text-align: center;">
              <i class="ui icon huge plug"></i>
              <h2>You're about to pause</h2>
            <div class='content'>
                contacts who have not reached this point in the follow up funnel will
                not receive this step, while it is paused.  Are you sure you want to
                pause this step
            <div class='actions'>
              <div class="ui grid two columns">
                <div class="row">
                  <div class="left floated left aligned column eight">
                    <div class="ui cancel button">Cancel</div>
                  <div class="right floated right aligned column eight">
                    <div class="ui primary approve button">Confirm</div>

          <div class="ui tiny modal confirm checked">
            <div class='header' style="text-align: center;">
              <i class="ui green icon huge plug"></i>
              <h2>You're about to go live</h2>
            <div class='content'>
                Are you ready to get your content out there?
                (You can Pause and edit your step at anytime)
            <div class='actions'>
              <div class="ui grid two columns">
                <div class="row">
                  <div class="left floated left aligned column eight">
                    <div class="ui cancel button">Cancel</div>
                  <div class="right floated right aligned column eight">
                    <div class="ui primary approve button">Confirm</div>


              beforeChecked: function(){
                  onApprove: function(el){
                    $('.checkbox.with-confirm-callback').checkbox('set checked');
                return false;
              beforeUnchecked: function(){
                  onApprove: function(el){
                    $('.checkbox.with-confirm-callback').checkbox('set unchecked');
                return false;


A checkbox can be indeterminate

An indeterminate state can only be set in Javascript, see examples section
Show Code
    <div class="ui checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox">
      $(".ui.checkbox").checkbox('set indeterminate')
Show Code
    <div class="ui green cf toggle checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" name="public">

      <div class="frame">
        <div class="toggler"></div>

        Simple toggle checkbox
      $(".ui.checkbox").checkbox('set indeterminate')